Snatam Kaur - Kabir's Song

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Snatam Kaur - Kabir's Song

Oh my Soul, you come and you go
Through the paths of time and space.
In useless play you'll not find the way
So set your goals and go.

Sing such a song with all your life
You will never have to sing again.
Love such a one with all your heart
You will never need to love again.

Oh my Soul you come and you go (etc) ...

Walk such a path with all your faith
You will never have to wander again.
Give yourself to such a Guru
You will never have to seek again.

Oh my Soul ... (etc)

Pray such a prayer with all your soul
You will never have to pray again.
Die such a death at the feet of God
You will never have to die again.

Oh my Soul ... (etc)

Breathe my Love
Breathe my Love
Breathe in the quiet centre.

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